De Silva Foundation is sponsoring Nancy George Academy, a beacon of educational opportunity in the rural village of Soy, Western Kenya. This school is dedicated to providing a quality education to many children in the surrounding community. Serving both primary and...
De Silva Foundation is thrilled to sponsor Nisha, a bright 4th grader at Sapana Community School! Nisha joined ECC Nepal in April, transitioning from a struggling public school. Despite the challenges, she’s thriving, especially in her favorite library and STEM...
We understand the importance of girls having access to quality education. Unfortunately, in some countries, girls and women face daily barriers to education, including poverty and cultural norms. This is why the De Silva Foundation is sponsoring Jenny: to encourage...
No child should be deprived of education. De Silva Foundation is proud to sponsor a community in Ghana where children lack access to quality education due to limited resources. These children, who have been attending outdoor classes with volunteer teachers, will now...
Some children not only struggle with a lack of resources but are also impacted by HIV. Such is the story of Patricia, a 6-year-old girl from Pari, a village community near Port Moresby. Tragically, her family is affected by HIV. We will sponsor her education and...
De Silva Foundation is thrilled to announce our sponsorship of Christian, a bright young individual from Kishimai Village. Our commitment to supporting his health, education, and environmental needs is unwavering. With our support, Christian will have access to...